Manaiakalani Film Festival: My Shadow – Room 1 & 3

Kia Ora we are room 1 and room 3. We go to Glen Innes School. Our class has been learning about shadows.

We shared our learning by writing a song and making it into a movie called “My Shadow”. We hope you like our movie!

3 thoughts on “Manaiakalani Film Festival: My Shadow – Room 1 & 3

  1. Kia ora Room 1 and 3,
    After seeing all your awesome art work about shadows it was wonderful to see your film, My Shadow. Your song was perfect for your film too.

    Including all the different ways you can see your shadow was very clever. I am glad you had lots of sunshine so your shadows could come out to be filmed.

    I really enjoyed watching your film on the big screen to, well done!

    Mrs Grant

  2. Kia ora room 1 and 3 i loved your movie it was amazing.I love the song that yous used in your movie it sounded great.

  3. Hi room 1 & name is laker.i love my shadow because you even made a song about.i liked how you made a paper sinel.