Little Tui Tui Goes to Ambury Farm – Room 1 & 3

This is our friend Tui. Tui came with us to Ambury Farm. Keijah wrote the song about Tui.  Enjoy our movie and do not forget to leave a comment.

2 thoughts on “Little Tui Tui Goes to Ambury Farm – Room 1 & 3

  1. Hi room 1 and 3.Your movie was Awesome because I love the song in your movie and the animals .My favourite part was watching the animals eat. Did you enjoy your trip to the farm?
    From Milani at Glen Taylor School

  2. Kamusta Room 1 & 3. I really enjoyed your movie because your songs were cheerful and the smiles on your face made it even better. And it’s really impressive seeing someone so young the amount of talent is immaculate.

    From Justin at Saint Patricks School